Celebrating Black Brides: Profile #4

Couple: Colin Powell and Alma Johnson

Date of Wedding: August 25, 1962

Place: First Congregational Church, Birmingham, Alabama

Officiant:  Rev. J Clyde Perry

Fun facts

The couple met on a blind date in 1961.

The couple had two wedding receptions.

Mr. and Mrs. Powell spent their honeymoon at the historic AG Gaston Motel in Birmingham.  For more information on this motel’s connection to the civil rights movement, see Black Titan: A.G. Gaston and the Making of a Black American Millionaire by Carol Jenkins and Elizabeth Gardner Hines.


Celebrating Black Brides: Profile #3

Couple: Countee Cullen and Yolande Du Bois

Date of Wedding: April 9, 1928

Place: Salem Methodist Episcopal Church (Harlem)

Officiants:  Rev. Frederick A. Cullen and Rev. George Frazier Miller

Fun facts:

The bride was the daughter of W.E.B Du Bois.

1,200 people were invited to the wedding ceremony but 3,000 attended.

The bride had 16 bridesmaids and two soloists (pictured below) and the groom had 9 groomsmen including Langston Hughes.

Gilded cages containing canary birds hung from the balcony rails of the church.

*The couple divorced after two years of marriage. 




Celebrating Black Brides: Profile #2

Couple: Martin L. Harvey and Emma Clarie Collins

Date of Wedding: August 1, 1943

Place: Central Methodist Church, Jackson, MS

Officiant:  Rev. A.L. Holland

Fun facts:

The couple’s romance began in Berlin, Germany, in 1939.

The wedding was profiled in three different black newspapers.

The bride had a cathedral train and the groom and his groomsmen wore white dinner jackets with black tuxedo trousers.

Clarie Collins Harvey was a funeral home owner who used her business to further civil rights.  See “DIGNITY IN LIFE AND DEATH: UNDERTAKER CLARIE COLLINS HARVEY AND BLACK WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVISM,” JOURNAL OF MISSISSIPPI HISTORY LXXVI (FALL/WINTER 2014): 111-127.


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Celebrating Black Brides: Profile #1

I love LOVE, weddings, and Black history.  I have decided to combine my interests into blog posts about black weddings.  I plan to profile the weddings of well-known and not-so-well known African Americans.  Since April 15 is Jackie Robinson Day, it is fitting to begin this series with the wedding of Jackie Robinson and Rachel Isum

Date of Wedding: February 10, 1946 (year before Jackie desegregates major league baseball)

Place: Independent Church of Christ in Los Angeles, CA

Officiant:  Rev. Carl Downs, Dean of Sam Huston College (HBCU in TX); the church’s pastor was in Washington, D.C. at the time fighting for fair employment practices.

Fun facts:

According to the Chicago Defender, Mrs. Rachel Robinson graduated at the head of her UCLA class and studied nursing.

The wedding party consisted of eight attendants.

Mrs. Robinson wore a gown of ivory satin with a three-tiered bridal veil. 




Sanders's Scholarship on Beach Segregation Featured in New Documentary

In 2015, Crystal Sanders published an article titled "Blue Water, Black Beach: The North Carolina Teachers Association and Hammocks Beach in the Age of Jim Crow," in the North Carolina Historical Review about African American efforts to resist beach segregation in North Carolina .  UNC-TV made a documentary based on her work that premiered on February 15, 2018.  The film will be shown several more times on UNC-TV and the NC Channel throughout the months of February and March.  Those interested can watch the film here:  http://www.pbs.org/video/the-hammocks-3ldetl/

Sanders Featured in New HBCU Documentary

Crystal R. Sanders is featured in and served as a consultant for filmmaker Stanley Nelson's new documentary "Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities," which will air nationwide on PBS on February 19, 2018 at 9 pm EST.  The film explores the pivotal role that HBCUs and their alumni have played in shaping the United States and world.  Sanders has a forthcoming scholarly article on Dr. Willa Player, the president of Bennett College from 1955 until 1966.


An Open Letter To Beyonce


Dear Beyoncé,

We are thrilled to learn that you have launched the Formation Scholars Program to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Lemonade. The album is a beautiful exploration of the hopes, dreams, pain, and survival of black women. The scholarship program is a fitting tribute to black womanhood and recognizes black women as intellectual thinkers, scholars, and creators.

As African American women’s historians, we write to ask that you consider including Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, as one of the participating schools in the Formation Scholars Program. Bennett is one of only two historically black women’s colleges in the United States. Founded in 1873 as a coeducational institution, Bennett has made the broadening of perspectives and development of leadership skills of black women its focus since 1926.

Bennett College women have been in formation for nearly a century. In 1937, black women at Bennett organized a boycott of discriminatory movie theaters in North Carolina. It was women at Bennett who laid the groundwork for the 1960 student sit-in movement that revolutionized the South. These young women put their educations and bodies on the line and challenged segregation in public accommodations. At one point during the spring of 1963, more than 40 percent of Bennett’s student body sat in jail after participating in civil rights demonstrations. While most HBCU administrations punished students for participating in such political work, Bennett’s then President, Dr. Willa B. Player, supported her students’ activism, taking their assignments to them in jail and refusing to force them to return to campus on bail.

Bennett women make a difference. Dr. Player was the country’s first black woman college president with an earned Ph.D. Under her tenure, Martin Luther King, Jr. found a safe space to teach and lecture at Bennett when other schools and churches rebuffed him out of fear of racist attacks. Among the alumnae who graduated prepared to meet the challenges of their communities and our nation are Carolyn Robertson Payton, the first woman and first African American to serve as Director of the Peace Corps, and Dorothy L. Brown, the first black woman surgeon in the southern United States and the first black woman to serve in the Tennessee State Legislature.

More recently Bennett alumna Evette Dionne was named senior editor at Bitch Media and alumna Delrisha White successfully solicited a $45,000 gift to Silicon Valley Children’s Fund to support children in the foster care system. Countless other Bennett women have won prestigious awards and fellowships, attended Ivy League and top ranked graduate programs, were elected to political offices, and serve as academic experts in a variety of fields of study. These are but a few of the accomplishments of Bennett alumnae.

Despite all of the remarkable things Bennett women have accomplished and despite the institution’s legacy as a stellar institution full of committed faculty and staff, Bennett is struggling financially. This year we organized a fundraising campaign to support the institution because all of us wholeheartedly believe in its mission. This and other fundraising efforts have successfully solicited donations, but Bennett needs more.

Including Bennett in your Formation Scholars Program would enable a Bennett woman to continue to attend Bennett without financial strain and would help raise the profile of the College so that more donations could be successfully solicited. Finally, and we ask only because we sincerely believe that Bennett is a special place where Black women can be educated in a society that generally does not value their existence, would you consider giving more? Like your album Lemonade, Bennett College is an oasis for Black women. It is a space where their creativity, their feminism, their political awareness, their intellectual ambitions, and so much more come to be nurtured and grow.

With All Our Sincere Respect and Love for Bennett College,

Crystal R. Sanders, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of History and African American Studies Pennsylvania State University

Martha Jones, Ph.D.

Presidential Bicentennial Professor
Professor of History and Afroamerican and African Studies and Co-director, Michigan Law Program in Race, Law & History University of Michigan

Deirdre Cooper Owens, Ph.D.

Bennett College ‘94
Assistant Professor of History Queens College, CUNY

Jennifer Ash, Ph.D. Candidate

Department of History, University of Illinois at Chicago and Former Instructor of History, Bennett College

Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, Ph.D.

Interim President Bennett College

#BlessBennettBey #hotsauce #FormationScholars 

Harriet Tubman On U.S. $20 Bill

Dr. Crystal Sanders was interviewed  by The BBC's Woman's Hour Show on April 22, 2016
"US Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew has proposed replacing the slaveholding Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, the former slave and abolitionist. Crystal Sanders, Assistant Professor in history and African American studies at Penn State University in Pennsylvania joins Jenni to talk about the significance of the move"
Click on the section of the video titled 'Harriet Tubman' or Scroll to "Chapters" section of the page then click on "Harriet Tubman" video.
Dr. Crystal Sanders' interview starts at 21:48 mins mark http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0770qxy

Let’s Revisit Nat Turner Day

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant declared April 2016 as Confederate Heritage Month and set aside April 25, 2016 to honor those who served in the Confederacy.  In the last full year of the first African American president’s administration, when Mississippi still lags behind in public education and health, the state’s top executive chose to pay homage to those who fought to keep African Americans in bondage.  What a tragedy and misuse of executive power.

According to the 1860 U.S. Census, Mississippi had a slave population of 436,696 and a free population of 354,700.  It was one of only two states with a black majority…a majority who could not vote, who could not go to school, who could not legally marry, and whose freedom did not exist.  Governor Bryant chose to honor those who supported such a dismal way of life for the state’s antebellum majority population.  Even in 2016, there are those who suggest that the Civil War was not about slavery.  If that is true, then someone should have informed the secessionists. Mississippi Confederates made their desire to preserve slavery abundantly clear in their “declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of the state of Mississippi from the federal union.”  These lawmakers asserted:

our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery--the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of the commerce of the earth.  These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery, is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has long been aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.[1]

Mississippi’s Confederate Heritage Month is problematic not only because of the Confederacy’s inextricable relationship with slavery, but also, because there is no official recognition of Mississippians—black and white—who fought for the Union.  Five hundred white residents from the state and more than 17,000 black residents donned blues during the Civil War.  Governor Bryant, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Black Mississippians have long realized that many of the state’s honored traditions and observances exclude them.  In the mid-1960s, the Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM) Head Start program debated the best ways to deal with such exclusion.  Working-class black Mississippians and their white and black allies created the program in 1965 and operated it until 1968.  The program’s mission was to provide black children with quality early childhood education and to provide black parents with well-paying jobs and leadership opportunities.  CDGM personnel debated substituting the anniversary of Nat Turner’s Rebellion or the anniversary of the assassination of Medgar Evers in place of President’s Day, Labor Day, or Veteran’s Day.   The proposed substitutions speak to both the sense of black pride that ruminated throughout CDGM centers and CDGM’s supporters’ acknowledgement of African Americans’ racial exclusion in society.  Perhaps it is time to send Governor Bryant a list of new individuals and events worthy of having commemorative months.  Let’s revisit Nat Turner Day.

For more information about the untraditional Head Start program that worked to end African American exclusion, pick up a copy of A Chance for Change: Head Start and Mississippi’s Black Freedom Struggle.

[1] Proceedings of the Mississippi State Convention. Held January 7th to 26th, A.D. 1861,” Accessed Electronically on April 14, 2016 via Documenting the American South, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/missconv/missconv.html.

Black Women and Head Start in Mississippi's Post-1964 Freedom Struggle

March is the month of the year dedicated to recognizing women whose contributions to society too often go unnoticed.  In honor of Women’s History Month, I use this space to acknowledge the activism and leadership of working-class black women in Mississippi who transformed a federal early childhood education program into an opportunity to challenge white supremacy in “the most southern place on Earth.” Over the last two years, there have been many commemorations celebrating passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  While these pieces of legislation were crowning achievements of the African American freedom struggle, black Mississippians kept their hands on the freedom plow.  They did so because rather than desegregate public facilities as the 1964 civil rights bill mandated, many business owners in Mississippi simply closed their doors.  AFTER Congress passed the 1965 Voting Rights Act and federal voter registrars came into the South, white supremacists killed Vernon Dahmer in 1966.  Dahmer was a black man from Hattiesburg who had the audacity to encourage African Americans to register to vote.

Black women in Mississippi understood all too well that civil rights legislation alone could not improve their lot.  Many of them turned to Project Head Start, an early childhood education program created in 1965 as part of the War on Poverty.  These women created the largest inaugural Head Start program in the nation, the Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM), and used CDGM to improve their lives and the lives of their children.  CDGM operated from 1965 until 1968 and employed more than 2,500 black women.  Head Start did not originally require its teachers to have formal teaching credentials.  Thus, black women who had previously worked as domestics or are agricultural workers earning $3 per day chopping cotton began making $75 per week as Head Start teachers.  These jobs bettered their standard of living and gave them the financial freedom to continue their civil rights organizing. 

For example, Mrs. Hattie Saffold secured CDGM employment and then enrolled her daughter in the previously all-white elementary school in Durant, MS.  Segregationists attempted to intimidate Mrs. Saffold by posting her name on fliers around town, but she would not be moved.  She did not worry about job termination because she was employed by the federal Head Start program.  Mrs. Alice Giles of Indianola also found that Head Start gave her greater financial freedom to agitate.  Klansmen had already bombed the Giles’ property in May of 1965 because of the family’s civil rights work, but Mrs. Giles remained undeterred.  As a Head Start teacher, she took one of her sick students to a medical doctor’s office and sat in the white waiting room.  On that hot summer day in 1965, she taught her student that he had a right and a responsibility to challenge segregation.  Stories abound of CDGM women using the financial freedom of Head Start employment to challenge racial segregation and black disfranchisement.

The Head Start program allowed black women to give their children quality educational opportunities, healthcare, and nutritious meals.  As one mother explained, “CDGM is something that our children have never had before.  We are a race of people who never had anything for our children except standing around at the end of cotton fields.’’  CDGM was a chance for mothers to give their children a head start, a healthy start, and a fair start in life.  Many black children saw medical doctors for the first time and had two hot and balanced meals throughout the week.

Not everyone celebrated CDGM's successes and connection to the movement.  The white power structure worked tirelessly to defund the program.  If you want to learn more about CDGM women and the opposition they faced from segregationists, pick up a copy of A Chance for Change: Head Start and Mississippi’s Black Freedom Struggle.

Staff at the Porterville CDGM Center

Staff at the Porterville CDGM Center